Why It is Important to Modernise Legacy Software?

Why It is Important to Modernise Legacy Software?

Why It is Important to Modernise Legacy Software?

Have you ever thought that be it mobile or your computer, it always uses the latest versions of software instead of the software which was developed for say at least 10 years back? The fact that the current systems are way more powerful and capable than their predecessors, they should be provided with the latest state-of-the-art technologies. One of the biggest problems with technology is that it gets obsolete with time. And same is the case with business as well. The way you are running your business today will not remain the same after a few years down the line. There are various researches that say that most products which are manufactured today have a lifecycle of fewer than five years. So, what is the solution? Well, this post from Quarks is to tell you why it is important to modernise legacy software.

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What is Legacy Software Modernisation?

Legacy software modernisation is a process in which we transform a legacy software and fuel it with modern infrastructure which ultimately improves its flexibility, reduces IT costs, and bring consistency. The legacy transformation harnesses the power from the older business applications and combines it with the latest software architectures and technologies to develop a strong, stable and robust platform.

Why It is Important to Modernise Legacy Software?

Cost Reduction

One of the biggest reasons which make it important to modernise legacy software is the fact that the implementation of these systems can reduce the operational cost to up to five times. When companies move their data centre to cloud platforms, they begin to offer scalable services at economical prices. Apart from that, numerous companies are forced to spend more than 50% of the IT budget only on its maintenance. Contrary to this, a modernise legacy software allows them to automate the codes that were written manually and optimise the business operations. 

Better Security

Another fact that it is important to modernise legacy software is the scope of better security. Security is a major issue with legacy software as they are not designed to tackle the modern-day cyber threats. These systems were seemed to be reliable ten years back when cyber-attacks were not that frequent. Being soft targets, they are highly vulnerable to data breaches and malware attacks. Modernising legacy software provides them with better security and protects your valuable data from dark web and hackers.

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Enhanced Performance and Productivity

Technology is changing every day and legacy software cannot match the expectation of today’s fast-paced world. This makes it important to modernise legacy software. Moving from on-premise to a cloud-based platform can enhance not just the performance of your teams but also their productivity. Modernise legacy software are adaptable to changes and may even work wonderfully without a lag in variable circumstances. On the other side, your development teams can access modernise tools to improve their productivity manifolds.

Add New Functionalities

“Necessity is the mother of all inventions.”

The biggest problem with legacy software is that it is your business that has to adapt to it and not the software that can adapt your business. New requirements arise with time. But, for legacy software, being developed years back, it becomes difficult to mould itself to match those requirements. So, this problem makes it important to modernise legacy software so that it can have new functionalities as per the requirements of your business.

Quarks is one of those companies that can help you to modernise legacy software. So, visit us at www.qtsolv.com or send us a mail today at support@www.qtsolv.com.

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